Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Recently we had the good fortune to get our hands on an iPad Mini.  I have heard many many arguments for and against the mini and I decided to take a moment to explain my stance.

As I am sure you are all aware I am an Apple Fan-girl.  The products just work for me.  It all started in 2001 when I purchased by first iBook and instantly fell in love.  That iBook still works, fyi - even after being hit by a car, We crack it out every now and then for Stinks.  Now being married to developer means having all the main operating systems in our house at all times.  I can't even keep track of what system is on what computer anymore - which is fine as long as he leaves my computer alone!  

It also means we are a family that likes technology.  Yes, our three year old has an iPad.  It is blue and he will tell you all about it if you ask him.  This is the future people.  More and more things are leaning towards Passbook-like functions.  Our children will need to know this technology in and out in order to effectively navigate their world - we are just giving Stinks a fighting chance :-D.  

Keeping with our technology hungry appetite we enjoy learning and playing with all the new gadgets.  This past weekend we visited the Microsoft store to check out a Surface.  (You don't want to know my opinion on that - but I am about as anti-Microsoft as a business person can be.)  Of course once we were done in the Microsoft store we took a hop skip and a jump right on over to the Apple store.  

Enter the iPad Mini.  

I have to say I LOVE my iPad (3rd generation, named Kinsei).  I use it daily - mostly to read, check email and browse, but it is still a daily use.  Every once in a while I wish that my iPad was just a bit smaller.  The mini fulfills all my wants.  It is the perfect "book" size for reading.  It is the perfect size for stashing away in my bag.  The screen is gorgeous, crisp and clear.  The camera is fast and nice - though I have to say I am not one of those people that will walk around with my iPad to take pictures!  I love the new adapter - I don't use docks for my iPads though so I am not sure how I would feel if I needed adapters.  

I have to say that my main reason for wanting the mini was for reading.  I do own a nook color, but I am not that big of a fan.  The nook is HORRIBLE for browsing and the apps are slow.  I read a LOT - at least a book a day.  I enjoy being able to hope between my book and a search engine when the whim hits me.  The nook makes this virtually impossible, thus the main reason for me switching to Kinsei for my reading pleasure.  (I do occasionally read "real" books, however due to my reading habit I have run out of room for actual books and have moved onto virtual.)  As I said early I do LOVE Kinsei, but my new mini (named Freyberg - or Small Frey*) is the PERFECT reading size.  The switch between virtual books and browsing or other apps is quick and effortless. 

Now I know that most of you are thinking "if you love your big iPad so much why would you spend the money on a smaller one?"  I will point you back up to the beginning of the blog where I said we are a technology hungry family.  I will continue to use Kinsei and well as Small Frey and be perfectly happy and content with both of them.  I am very happy to have Small Frey for those traveling days when bringing a bigger iPad is just not feasible.  All in all I am thrilled!  (Bring on the scorn...)

*I needed to explain the names of my apple products.  I name every apple product, with the exception of my iPod touch, after apple types.  So far the names have been Gala, Crispin, Pippin, Red (delicious), Jazz, Kinsei, Keswick, and Freyberg.  Look them up!  They are all apple types trust me.  

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