Sunday, November 25, 2012


So I was going to wait for the 100th day of my journey to post but I am just too excited!  Let me preface this by saying I understand that to some these are not big accomplishments but to me they are - and this blog is about me so you have to read about them :-D.

The first accomplishment is exercise related.  If you know me you know that I was also fairly fit throughout high school.  I played multiple sports a year with conditioning/summer ball on all off seasons.  That being said I have NEVER been a great runner/jogger.  For some reason when I ran I would lose my breath very quickly.  Now I am asthmatic, but I am also very very stubborn.  I would push myself till my vision would blur, then black and I would wake up on the ground with a worried coach standing over me.  It was always a point of extreme disappointment to me that I couldn't even JOG a whole mile without blacking out.

I am VERY happy to say that is NO LONGER THE CASE! A little while ago I told you all about how I was thrilled that I jogged a quarter mile.  Well about a week ago I moved up to a half mile and that went well.  Today I was shooting for 3/4's of a mile and I just kept going.  I was feeling good and my stubborn nature kicked in making me want to, for the first time in my life, finish out a mile at a jog.  Please read that as JOG - I am not running, baby steps people.  I would also like to point out that there is no way in hell anyone can deflate me for this accomplishment.  In the world of Amy this is HUGE.

The second accomplishment is actually a little embarrassing.  I started the journey portion of my blog to not only keep myself honest but to also help other people in my situation.  I have hoped that by my writing out everything - good and bad - someone else would look at it and say "I don't have to be afraid or ashamed".  I am sure there are people questioning why I would use the word ashamed, let me just say that no matter how strong you think you are there are always feeling of shame.  I want to put all of my journey out there to help other people - I know what it feels like and if they can use my journey as a source of comfort or strength then all the better.

So here it goes:  for the first time in 12+ years I fit in jeans from the "Regular" side of the store.  I was actually able to walk out of the "Plus" section and try on and BUY not only one but TWO pairs of jeans from the "regular" section.  Again I state this with some embarrassment, but I need to be strong and true to myself - and I am proud of myself.  The size really means nothing to me.  I am sure if I searched and searched I could have found some store that would have fit me before.  I am proud that I am healthy.  I am proud that I had the courage to even try - cause it does take courage.  I am just proud, and I think I have every right to be.

Thanks for reading and not judging.  As you can tell I am SUPER EXCITED!

Oh yeah - I am really making a push to hit 40 pounds lost by December 1st.  So if you are in my day to day life and you see me making some bad choices remind me of my goal!  I have a little over a pound to lose and I would LOVE to lose it by the first or my birthday the latest!!

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