Thursday, November 8, 2012

Graham Crackers

This past summer I went on a "homemade s'more" kick.  I was determined to make a s'more with all homemade ingredients.  The marshmallows were not a big deal, I had made then before and could duplicate the recipe with complete success.

So, with one third of the recipe down I moved my sites onto the remaining two ingredients.  I have always wanted to make my own chocolate - from that very first trip through Hershey's World - isn't that the best smelling ride you have ever been on?  To do this I need to get my hands on some cocoa beans and then set aside an entire day to the process.  I am hopefully going to do this at some point this winter.

Finally the graham crackers.  There is nothing worse than eating a s'more on a stale or overly sugary graham cracker.  I feel that the marshmallow and chocolate should be the main taste of a s'more with the graham cracker simply being a sturdy vessel that provides a graham flavored crunch.  Have you ever had "Old Fashioned" graham crackers?  They aren't sugar filled, the graham flour is the most apparent.  They have a dash of honey and a wonderful crunch.  That is what I was after - and I am proud to say I succeeded.

Graham Crackers

  • 1 1/2 c All Purpose Flour
  • 1 1/3 c Graham Flour
  • 1 t Baking Soda
  • 1/2 t Salt
  • 1 c Butter or Margarine, softened
  • 2/3 c Brown Sugar
  • 3 T Honey
  1. Cream together the honey, butter, salt, soda and sugar.  Slowly add in the flours and mix until a dough forms.
  2. Remove the dough from bowl and play on parchment or wax paper.  Flatten into an inch thick square and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.  (You should be able to refrigerate the dough for a few days.)
  3. After chilling the dough, remove from the fridge and set on a floured workspace.  
  4. Preheat the oven to 350 F and lightly grease your cookie sheets.  (You can line the sheets with parchment paper if you prefer.)
  5. Roll the dough to about 1/8 inch thickness and cut out your "crackers".  
  6. Transfer your dough crackers to the prepared sheets.  Be sure to "score" the crackers with a fork for an authentic look.  Back for 10-15 minutes or under the crackers are a golden brown color and are firm.
  7. Remove crackers from sheet to cool.  They will "crunch-up" as they cool.
  8. Enjoy
It should be noted that these crackers are NOT sugary.  If you were looking for the cinnamon-sugar flavored crackers that is a different recipe entirely (which I will share at a later point).  Please also keep in mind that I did not grind down my graham flour, thus your will have a graham texture in the cookie - something I like yet might not be enjoyed by all.

I cut my crackers into 1.5 inch circles, the recipe made 58 crackers.  I can't wait to try these again in the spring time when I can roast a marshmallow and, hopefully, include some homemade chocolate!

Calorie wise they are what you would expect - 50 calories per cracker (if you make 58 crackers)!

I, again, forgot to take pictures so I will update later with some better ones.

Shout out to my Aunt for taking a picture and texting it to me!

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