Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Baby steps....

This is just a teeny tiny post about an accomplishment that I am quite proud of right now:

Tonight I was able to jog an entire quarter mile! (I walked a quarter, jogged a quarter, then walked the remaining half.)

Ok so I know for most of you this is not a huge deal, for me it is! Even in my "three sports a year plus summer ball" days I was never a runner. Between my horrible mechanics and my asthma I was/am always more likely to black out than actually complete a run. Can't tell you how many times I woke up half way around the field on our softball runs- one would think I would have more self preservation. So as you can tell I am thrilled. I not only jogged the quarter mile, but I kept my consciousness AND was breathing fairly well.

Teeny tiny baby steps!

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