Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I had to reread my "Stuck" post again this morning.  It seems I do really well for a week or two and then I level and do NOTHING - I think I am going to switch to once a month weigh-ins.  That will keep me from stressing week to week (or three days to three days) and it is probably better for me.  There are a lot of opinions either way on how often you should weigh yourself.  The consensus seems to be that you should not do it more than once a week - I have even heard that you should lock up your scale so you aren't tempted.

If you have ever had that hate/hate relationship with your scale you know all the "tricks" to try and get your lowest number:  as little clothing as necessary made of LIGHT WEIGHT materials and flip flops on your feet (when you are at the Dr's - none if you are at home).  Try to get it done early in the morning for a better number :-D  Oh yeah I have tried it all.

I am actually ok with my scale right now.  I wouldn't say our relationship is loving, but I don't want to cry every time we cross paths.  Since the start of this journey I actually look forward to weighing in and I do it way more than I should - daily.  I need to stop.  In the very beginning there was great changes in the day to day and I LOVED seeing it, however now there are days with no change and I start thinking I am stuck when the number stays the same for 2-3 days.  That is just obsessive.  So from now on I am going to try to work my way up to weekly weighings.  I will start off by going every other and go from there.  Hope I can do it!

Now let's tackle the title of this post - 25.  Twenty five is the current number of pounds I am down in the seven weeks I have been trying.  An average of 3.57 pounds per week.  Seven weeks ago when I started this, I thought it would be GREAT if I could lose 30 pounds by the end of the year - new goal FORTY.  It is something to work towards.  I am hoping I can make it - there are all sorts of yummy holidays coming up to contend with however.  Determination is my friend.  To keep me on track I keep adding little incentives and reminders.  The biggest one recently being my jeans - I completely fit into my "skinny/pregnancy" jeans.  The smallest pair of jeans I own that I shoved into the back of my closet cause I loved how comfy they were and I hoped to fit in them again one day - I am wearing them right now!  Since discovering that I once again fit in the jeans - and I am talking fit in them normally, no struggling to zip or button or sucking it in and being completely uncomfortable when you sit down - I have been wearing them a LOT.  I think in the past week and a half they have been through the wash 4 times!!  I now am turning my sights to a shirt I have tucked in a drawer that was just a little too snug.  I am hoping to be wearing that shirt with my jeans soon!

I leave you with a picture (and if you know me well you know that this is a BIG thing for me to be doing).  I apologize to the others in the picture for posting if you didn't want your likeness on my blog (and the random man that walked down the hill behind us at the orchard is in the picture too).  One final thing - Brian is doing AMAZINGLY AWESOME (as you will see in the pic)!!!  He not only is doing a journey of his own, but he is super super supportive of mine.  I am so incredibly proud of him!!!  (OK I will stop gushing now.)

I promise the next time I post a picture it will be better (and not have random people in it)!!

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