Friday, April 15, 2011

Is it wrong that I get goose bumps when I hear the Disney version of "When You Wish Upon a Star"?

I posed this question to my Facebook friends not to long ago.  I know I am a grown woman, however there is just something about Disney.  Just the first opening notes of a Disney movie will do it to me!!  I am not talking about Eisner's later years and multitude of sequels (however funny some of them may be.)  I am talking about true Disney.  I know that mostly all of Disney's big movies are just regurgitations of fairy tales or other cultures stories (Kimba the White Lion anyone?).  Yet despite knowing the stories I still flock to a Disney movie with the enthusiasm of Augustus Gloop to the chocolate waterfall.

Disney World really is the happiest place on earth.  How could it not be?  There are rides, shows, your favorite characters, and just a total ambiance of fun and childhood.  Brian and I had made the trip to Disney (World in Florida) every year from 2000 - 2009.  The addition of Linc paused our yearly excursions until he was old enough to enjoy it at least a little.  This coming year we will be going back.  Linc will be 2 and in my mind that is plenty old enough to enjoy the sights and sounds of Disney.  Yes I know there will be those people out there that feel we are crazy to bring him so young - he won't remember it.  Well we don't plan on this being his ONLY trip to Disney, just his starter trip and I say let's bring him while he is still FREE.  With his current love of Cars, his newfound love of Mickey, and his overall enjoyment of amusement parks - I can not WAIT to see all his expressions when we go!

I have never been to Disneyland, Tokyo Disney, Disneyland Paris, or Hong Kong Disneyland.  I have, however, been to Disney World many a time!  Though in recent years, Magic Kingdom has not been a frequent stop for us - it seems we will be changing that now that we have a little one to enjoy the "magic".  Animal Kingdom, also, was never very high on the to-do list while visiting.  Though they do have some exceptional rides (Everest) and the atmosphere is gorgeous.  MGM - oh I'm sorry - Disney's Hollywood Studios was always a favorite of mine from the very first trip we took to Disney when I was 7.  The addition of the Rock N Rollercoaster, Tower of Terror, and the Stunt Show have solidified it as a must see whenever a Disney trip is to be made.  MGM (I'm sorry I will never be able to think of it as anything else) is also home to Fantasmic!!!  If you have never caught a Fantasmic show, and you are in Disney I suggest you get yourself over there for priority seating right away! Talk about goose bumps! (Of course it may be because I am a HUGE Maleficent fan and there is a HUGE Maleficent in the show but I would have to say that it is one of the best Disney shows I have ever seen - it kicks Illuminations butt!!)  My absolute favorite of the Disney World parks is Epcot!  Not only do you have all the fun of future world - where I rode my first ever Segway, but the World Showcase is the perfect way to spend a day!  Might I suggest going during the food and wine festival, that way you get to try all the wonderful different foods!!  Also, Epcot is home to Figment - and who doesn't like Figment?

OK I have rambled enough about the joys of Disney World - see I am like a little kid.  I would be great for one of those commercials where a kid is told they are going to Disney and they squeal and scream - just change the kid into a 28 year old female and you have your lead!  I should say, however, that we always make the trip on "off season" times - January!!  That way we really don't encounter too much of a crowd and the heat isn't unbearable.  ALSO we normally break up the Disney adventures with a trip to SeaWorld and WonderWorks (blog about them coming up now that I have mentioned them).

So am I the only one?  What does Disney mean to you?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Some things stay the same even as they are changing

This past weekend Brian and I took Stinks on an adventure - like we are wont to do nearly every weekend.  Ever since I got my license I found myself heading to Salisbury, MA about once a month.  For anyone that knows me you know the reasoning behind that - my Nana lived on Beach Road for as long as I could remember.  Sadly Nana passed a few years back.  To try to keep this post in a positive, non-downer light I am going to just say this now and move on:  My Nana was a wonderful, amazing woman whom I loved and miss dearly!!

I have been going to this fun area for my whole life.  On top of the fact that I have family there, there is just something about the are that keeps me coming back for more.  Brian has joined me in my jaunts to the north for quite a few years now.  I have him hooked on Beach Pizza (more on that later) and he can even find something in the Pink Store that keeps him going back.

As with everything, Salisbury Beach has changed over the years.  I am sure my older family members can tell me how it had changed a lot before I even remember.  When I was younger I remember begging my parents to let Heather and I go on the water slides, the carousel , or just blow $5 in Joe's Playland.  I remember when they started tearing down the amusements and putting up condos - or the day they took out the water slides and up went more condos.  I remember when Joe's took over the arcades on both sides.  Store fronts have come and gone.

The main constants - and reason, in my opinion, for the boardwalk to even still be there - have been Cristy's and Tripoli's.   We stopped by this weekend and the picture would have been a good representation of the crowds at the pizza places.  As always, we have to get a selection of pizza from both - it is an ongoing battle (and not just with our family) over which joint provides the best pizza.  For all of you that are curious - the breakdown currently stands at 2 for Cristy's (my mother and myself), 2 for Tripoli's (Heather and my father) and 2 that refuse to pick sides (Brian and Chris)!  Though I am thinking that at some point Chris went over to the dark side!!   Beach Pizza has been described many many different ways - delicious, interesting, "crap on a cracker"!  Though the last description seems to be mutually exclusive to that one person.  If you have never been, you are missing out.  I say get in your car this very evening and drive on out there.

The beach at the end of the boardwalk has been cleaned up in recent years.  I remember when I was little  we used to have to watch where we walked for fear of stepping on broken beer bottles and still lit cigarettes.  That does not appear to be an issue anymore.  They have built up the boardwalk area to have live bands, nice benches, and apparently they do fireworks during the summer quite frequently.  The beach itself has a nice parking area that, on off times, provides excellent views while you eat your pizza in the warm coziness of your car!

Due to the shortcomings of the boardwalk beach, when I was little we always visited the Salisbury Beach Reservation.  Nana had a car pass, and would therefore bring little Heather and Amy to the beach and watch us play in the sand.  It was always nice at the reservation, if a little crowded at times.  The beach was kept up and no one really bothered you - not to mention there was always plenty of parking (an issue during the summer at the boardwalk).  On heading up this past weekend I suggested to Brian that we check out the reservation.  I couldn't believe that he had been making these trips with me for almost ten years, yet I had never brought him there.  It had probably been 14+ years since I had been myself!!  As we pulled down the entrance feelings of nostalgia kicked in - soon to be replaced with WHAT THE HECK?!  The camping area - which I definitely do NOT remember from when I was younger, though could have been there - was HUGE!  It looks like all the boardwalks had been replaced - when I was younger it was just paths through the dunes.  There were changing stalls, showers, bathhouses etc.  There was even a PLAYGROUND - which either was not there when I was little or Nana just didn't allow us to play on it.  It was gorgeous - all of it!

Stinks loves beaches (probably steming from the fact that we have been bringing him to not only Salisbury Beach but also the beaches on the Maine coast for his entire short life)!  He loves walking on the sand and trying to get as close as we will allow to the water.  He loved the boardwalks, the sand, the dogs, everything about the reservation.  There were some ominous clouds threatening rain and we told Stinks we had to go back to the car - he was not having any of that!!  I am sure from now on we will definitely be bringing our pizza over to the reservation for eating.  I leave you with these beautiful pictures of the day!!  Oh and remember everyone needs to have Beach Pizza at least once in their lives!!!