Friday, October 19, 2012

New Ink Day!

"The only people that used to get tattoo's were sailors that got drunk in port."   - I LOVE my Grandfather :-D.

I have posted on this before - anti-ink versus pro-ink.  Seems like it could be a debated matter.  I recently had someone ask me why I would turn my hair blue and "why oh why" would I permanently "disfigure" my body.  My response was "exactly, it is MY body".

As pertains to my hair:  No I am not doing it to piss my mother off.  I am an almost thirty year old woman.  My relationship with my mother is NOT dependent on the color of my hair and to just burst that bubble - she liked it, it was her favorite color.  My parents might not "understand" why portions of my hair are now the color of a melted grape popsicle, but their opinion of my person would never be changed based on my outward appearance.  I placed the word understand in "'s due to the fact that I do not think it is the best word for the situation.  The reticence concerning my hair does not come from disapproval, it stems from the fact that it is not something they (my parents) would do for themselves.  It would be like me saying I don't approve of wearing lipstick - not true, it is just not something I would do for myself.  I will close out this "hair portion" by saying - I like it.  Brian likes it.  Linc likes it.  <- This is what matters.  The larger population might not "understand" why an almost 30 year old with a 3 year old son decided to dye her hair blue (or a nice bright purple now that it has faded), but that is the larger population's issue - not mine.  I didn't do it cause I want to shock people.  I did it because I have always wanted to, I like it, and I have a very loving and supporting family.  I was confident enough to dye my hair blue - celebrate it, don't dissect.

Now for the ink :-D  I am a fan of tattoos.  I would never be able to sleeve my arm, but that is just me.  I know plenty of people with sleeves and they look fabulous.  I am just not a sleeve person.  I prefer to pick smallish (compared to come) symbols with a purpose.  As I have stated before, my tattoos are thought out decisions of significance.

I have a very small shamrock on my ankle - a symbol that I have loved since I can remember.
I got this shamrock nine years ago.  (The picture is from today though!)
I love it!

On the inside of the same ankle there is a Claddagh symbol that Brian and I used in our wedding - it is even red and black, our wedding colors.  (If you got a pen from our wedding then you have seen the symbol!)
Sorry for the old picture, but it is not the easiest place to take a picture
of on your own.  So I grabbed a picture from when it was freshly done.

On the opposite foot is my favorite tattoo - Linc's footprint with his name.  The detail on my footprint tattoo STILL astounds me 2 years later.  I love looking at it an remembering how far Linc has come in the past three years.
Linc's footprint - don't mind the cut on my foot, a stick attacked me
while we were apple picking last weekend!!

Finally my new ink - a motherhood symbol on my upper back.  The symbol fades from black to green - which is Linc's birthstone color.  I was, originally, going to get a Dara (Tree) Knot on my upper back and the motherhood knot was going to be placed on my leg, however due to the size and detail I determined that the motherhood knot would look best in that placement.  I love it - which is good seeing it is permanent :-D.  It is still new - not even 24 hours old - so the colors aren't set yet but the placement and size are all I could have wanted.  The green color is coming in nicely and I am sure I will be just as thrilled with this tattoo as I am with my others.

Sorry for the redness in the picture - the tattoo was only
3 hours old when this picture was taken.  That is
also the reason for the green color not being highly apparent.

For the "permanent disfigurement", I am very happy with mine.  How is my decision to tattoo meaningful symbols on my body any different than a person's decision to pierce their ears? Or wear contact lenses instead of glasses? Or wear the color orange?  OK, I know I am generalizing and I am sure my naysayers will have a LOT of arguments for my examples, but if you boil everything down I really don't see a great difference.  My tattoos are important to me.  They represent great events, feelings, or aims in my life.  They are ME.  I don't look at them as disfigurements, I look upon them with pride.  Again, it might not be something a person would do for themselves, but that doesn't make it the wrong thing for me.  I am not you, I am me, tattoos and all.  

Again, please excuse the picture.  This is about 18 hours
into the healing process.  The green is starting to pop!
This picture shows you the placement - and my purple hair!!

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