Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 101...

Continuing my habit of posting on odd days I give you day number 101.  I know I just posted three days ago, but it's my blog and I am feeling chatty :-D.

**I would like to start this post with a GREAT BIG GIANT SHOUT OUT OF CONGRATULATIONS to Brian for hitting and EXCEEDING 50 pounds lost!!! (In the very short period of three months I might add.)  Not only am I excited but I am very proud of him.  He has really taken to the new routine of things and it shows.  Brian you are an amazing inspiration - as well as a great support.  I thank you so much!  CONGRATS!!**

Three days ago I informed you of my wonderful accomplishment (or two if you count the jeans).  I have tried every day since to recreate the wonderful mile I jogged with limited success.  I can do 3/4's of a mile no problem but that last quarter seems to get me.  Have no fear I won't give up.  I will keep trying until I can jog one mile a day for 7 days straight (look for that super excited post to come in 6 months :-/ - it's a long term goal).

The actual reason for my post today, besides it being day 101 which is just a perfect day for a post, is to officially say that I have achieved my December 1st goal of losing 40 pounds.  (With two ounces of wiggle room to spare as well! - hey every little bit counts!)    

Now that December is just around the corner I was thinking back on when I started this whole thing.  I remember saying I would be thrilled if I could lose 30 pounds by the end of the year.  Seeing I started at the end of August that would have given me a little over four months to achieve that goal.  The first month came and went and I had already hit the half way mark.  I reassessed and decided on 30 pounds by Thanksgiving.  When I hit the 30 pound mark I decided on 40 by December 1.  I am not so sure it is a good thing that I would "change" my goals but it certainly kept me going.

I would love to be able to say my new goal is 50 pounds by the end of the year, but I want to be realistic.  Between now and the end of the year lays Christmas and all the parties and gathering associated with that wonderful holiday.  I am certainly going to work towards 50 pounds by the end of the year but I am setting my goal at 45.  Let's face it, I am going to enjoy one or two pieces of my mother's wonderful peanut butter fudge - it wouldn't be Christmas without it!  I should also point out that I have set the goal to 45 cause I am certainly slowing down.  The very first month of my journey I was losing an average of .523 pounds PER DAY.  The second month slowed me down to .488 pounds per day.  I am now losing about .397 pounds per day.  I am not complaining, that is still a loss.  I have to be realistic though, to expect the kinds of results I experienced in the first month would set myself up for disappointment.

The numbers for my 101st day:  40.1 pounds lost.  Averaged to:  11.94 pounds lost per month.  2.86 pounds lost per week.  And finally .397 pounds lost per day.  I am going to say I am still pretty happy with that!

This is a journey, synonymous with expedition or voyage not a quick jaunt, and I intend to see it through!

1 comment:

  1. I was happy about the jeans. I am sure it was a hit or miss thing and I don't really get it. I still weigh more than I did in college yet I am now wearing a size smaller... And this is AFTER having a kid. Weird in my book but I am going with it!

    I am public ally saying 5 pounds for the end of the year but privately I would LOVE to be at the 50 mark! (I guess it isn't so much private anymore huh :-) )
