Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bloggedy Blog Blog

A B C and 1 2 3...  The ranting and raving of my mind would normally make any sane person beg for asylum.  With that in mind I give you my blog :-D (and please keep in mind people that many of the public health forums are already over booked!)  

I have never been a diary writer - no girly notebooks with locks for me, nor have I kept a journal for anything other then academia related topics.  However, I am finding more and more that I need a place for my nonsense to spew or I end up talking - at high speeds - about the same topics over and over.  Let's face it, Brian may be able to tolerate more then the average human's ability of my nonsense spew but we shouldn't push him too far!  

And so my blog was born -kicking and, well, spewing into the wonderful world of cyber space.  I have named this oh so wonderful speck of cyber realty "My Mushroom Ring" and I will give my surprised congratulations to anyone that knows why.    

"Be prepared" as Scar likes to sing, for I have set up shop and don't plan on relinquishing my hold until I have run out of things to say - oh dear I do believe I just created my own never ending story!


  1. i know what mushroom ring means and i've subscribed to it so i'll still be listening to your thoughts either way :)

  2. ah but this way it will be your choice - plus you can always just stop reading! We all know how hard it is to just walk away when I am talking... I just get louder :-D

    I am also VERY impressed with your mushroom ring knowledge, though I guess I shouldn't be!

  3. Well, I was not aware of The Mushroom Ring. Once again you have educated me! I will be a faithful reader of your rants as I enjoy them. I hope we faithful readers will provide you with the perfect outlet for your rants. They are always so entertaining.

  4. Thanks for Innovative approach. I usually get inspiration on what to write from reading other people’s post. It is fine to do what you have learn as there is always a unique perspective on every topic. Thanks for sharing.
    Tips on Blogging
