Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ever had a bad day?

 I am sure everyone has had one of those days where nothing seems to go right.  What do you do about them?  Do you wallow by yourself or have that confidant to listen to your complaints?  

I am lucky.  Let me repeat that, for it needs to be stressed: I AM LUCKY!  I have an awesome family and set of friends (that are basically family) that I can go to with anything.  They know when to leave me alone, when to distract me, and when to let me cry - which seems to happen at the most inopportune times.  

If I want to complain about my journey, someone will listen.  If I am having a hard time with some aspect of my life I can talk it out with any of them.  I am fortunate.  On just my side of the family I have 4 grandparents, 17 aunts and uncles and more cousins than I can count, plus of course Brian, my own parents and wonderful sister + family!  And we all talk.  On days like today (it has not been a good one so far) I need to remind myself of my good fortune.  Life might not always go as I plan or want, but I will ALWAYS have someone there to support me through it (and smack me up side the head when needed).  

I am sure most of you don't read this blog, but for the few of you that do spread the word:  THANK YOU!  (Give that grapevine a work-out.)

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