Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This Is The Cold That Never Ends...

Yes it goes on and on my friend!

Tis the season for germs!!  Well technically I would say all seasons are germy; yet is always seems like that stretch between Thanksgiving and Christmas brings with it the stuffy heads, red noses and rattling coughs.  Since the addition of Linc I have noticed that we seem to pass that cold right around the house.  During this time we have countless boxes of tissues side by side with bottles upon bottles of Purell yet none of that does the trick.

I have noticed that no matter how diligent I am about hand washing I always seem to catch the bug - normally AFTER Brian and Linc have had their gunky days and are on the road to recovery.  Is there some magical means of keeping the sickness contained to one family member?  I can only spray so much Lysol and wash my hands so often before they become so red and chapped.  I am dreading the day when Linc discovers that he doesn't need one of us to wipe his nose for him - I will be finding used tissues EVERYWHERE!

As for now, I will start my orange juice infusion and make sure the Clorox wipes are handy.  I will also think about how thankful I am that Linc now knows how to blow his nose and those horrible aspirators can forever be out of my life!  Always look on the bright side - at least Linc sounds adorable when he screams "BLESS YOU" from the other room :-D

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