Thursday, September 6, 2012


Just under 11lbs in just under 4 weeks! I feel good about this. Keeping the momentum going. Sorry if I am driving you all batty with calorie counts!!

Update:  so apparently I can't read a calendar.  It has been brought my attention that I started on this whole calorie counting/portion control/exercise journey on August 19th - not just under 4 weeks ago, 18 days ago.  2 weeks and 4 days.  I am sure I won't keep up this pace, but wow I am feeling good right now!!


  1. I feel accomplished. I set out to reach a goal and I succeeded. Health/weight wise I really don't feel any different. (I might have more energy.) It hit me this morning that I am not HUNGRY all the time and that using MFP ( really doesn't bother me - I could make this work! Unlike all those times I tried weight watchers, I could see myself doing this for a year and not wanting to pull my hair out. Then I thought about what the results of a year would be and I got excited!! I am HAPPY!!! You were right, the goal was completely doable. Now I am looking at my next short term 10 lb goal and thinking long term as well!! I also want to say THANK YOU! Not only are you inspiring in your own journey, but you comment and support mine! It helps me to know that when I post something there will be at least one other person that will take notice so THANK YOU!!

  2. Same here! (The battle started to get really bad around 17/college though - prior to that 3 sport seasons a year plus summer ball kept me in semi check.) I always joke that my smallest since age 17 was when I was 7 months pregnant - best damn diet ever having HG. The thing that kills me is that I tried WW again literally 3 months ago - I lost 5 pounds and then would yo-yo. SO FRUSTRATING. I am glad we both seem to have found something that is working for us!

    I have definitely gone the quality over quantity route as well.

    No worries there is mutual heart melting :-D
