
Friday, December 14, 2012


I know I just posted two days ago - sorry!

What do we think about goals?  Do you shoot for the stars or keep things closer/super obtainable?  I appear to have a double standard.  In most things I advocate the shoot for the stars.  I am a firm believer that attitude goes a long way in helping natural ability - if you aim to make your dreams come true and believe that you can I think you just might do it!  (And be extremely proud of what you accomplish in the process!)

That being said, I seem to be creating small,  highly obtainable goals for my journey.  I gave myself a month to lose 5 pounds, when I knew full well that I had been losing at least 10/month up to this point. Now that I have achieved that goal I am rethinking that goal.  Was it too small?  Should I have pushed farther?  I immediately form another goal upon the completion of one, but normally it is another small one.

I think I keep my journey goals small so that I am almost guaranteed to reach them.  There is nothing more aggravating/depressing than working hard at something like this and not meeting your goal.  But is it the right way to go about things?

Now that I have reached my goal of "45 pounds down by the end of the year", I have decided to turn it into "47.5 pounds down by the end of the year".  Is that too small?  Should have I aimed higher?

I suppose I will stick with what is working, but I can't help but feeling the double standard in my goal settings.  Any thoughts?

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