
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 71...

Day 71, cause we all know I can't post on a nice round number day.  I think 71 has a nice ring.  Isn't it strange that "good" things measure time in week, months and finally years?  Take a baby for instance, you go through the period of "he's 2 weeks old", followed by "today is 10 months", then it becomes "wow three years already" (yup that is where I am)!!  Yet when it is something hard/difficult it is measured in days past.  Not normally weeks or months, we like to see that GIANT "days" number.  I could have just as easily said 10 weeks, but that doesn't seem as much to me.  And 2.5 months certainly isn't a big enough number.  I will stick with days for now - 71.

So I finally broke down and posted a "stuck" rant about a week ago.  I hadn't moved for a week and I was a little annoyed - SORRY!  I honestly have to say I felt better almost as soon as I posted the rant.  I certainly felt better after I visited my doc for a flu shot and quarterly visit - sometimes I swear my doctor is a vampire; with the amount of blood she requires it's a good thing I have no problem with needles! ** I am going to go off on a tangent right now about my medical team.  They are AWESOME!  Through many crazy mixed up things they have supported me.  From my PCP to my liver doc they all rock!  I love the fact that I can talk to them without censoring myself and they do the same.  I don't get the "doctor's speak", I get the sarcastic or tell it like it is conversation that works best for me!  **

Anyway, after a visit to my doctor's office - which has the BEST SCALE EVER seeing it said I had lost 3.5 pounds more than mine did - I was feeling very good.  I ran the MFP program and my current journey by my doc and she gave me her thoughts.  She feels that it is obviously working for me and she is happy about that.  She did give me some "Amy Lectures" (read: sarcastic jabs) about a few days where I didn't eat enough calories.  Apparently muscle is a lot easier to break down than fat so those days I did more harm than good.  She rattled off the warning signs of not getting the right amounts of vitamins - the same ones we all know.  And then she gave me a piece of advice that astounded me.  Have a splurge day.  I must have made her say it about 12 times.  (Which she did in the typical sarcastic fashion that is our relationship.)  She said that if I find I am not loosing, and my exercise/food consumption has been steady/the same then you need to shake things up.  She said that a splurge day is what is needed.  Your body becomes complacent and slows your metabolism to the calorie count you are eating.  She said you want to remind it to work faster.  Now a splurge day doesn't mean to go out and eat an entire cake by yourself, but perhaps have that piece you have been wanting.  She also suggested NOT establishing an exercise routine.  Again, your body anticipates the exercise, shake it up.  Don't do the same thing every day at the same time.  Finally she informed me that I needed to be sure to eat my calories.  If, for example, I have 1300 calories for the day - eat 1300 calories.  Eating your calories helps you loose weight faster and better. All in all she was happy with my progress - YAY seal of approval from the doc! I took her advice to heart - seeing I had been stuck for almost a week - and decided to treat myself to that hunk of bread that had been calling my name.  For the next few days I ate at my calorie count, where as previously I have been aiming to come in 100-200 below the goal.  POOF - within a couple of days I started losing again.  Within a week of that conversation, following her added guidelines, I have lost 3.1 pounds.  My doctor is a genius!

In other journey news, I have recently cracked out the Wii Fit.  I had used it pretty regularly prior to Linc being born, but had completely ignored my Mii since his birth.  After dealing with the boards little jabs of not seeing me for a LONG time, I realized I enjoy using it.  I set up a yoga/strength routine that I do, if not daily than at least every other.  The days I give the routine the night off, I spend an caloric equivalent amount of time hula hooping, skateboarding or having snowball fights.

And now for the numbers.  71 days, as we discussed earlier, and 32.4 pounds lost.  (Not that I am really missing them, but you know what I mean.)  That is .456 pounds lost per day.  3.24 pounds lost per week.  And finally 12.96 pounds lost per month.  I am happy with that.  I was stuck and I complained.  I did something about it and now I am back on my journey.  All in all I am happy.  This is working and I can't wait to see what the next months bring!

Someone be sure to remind me about my doc's advice the next time I whine about being stuck!!  (Sorry about the incredible length of this post - not having power has left me chatty!)

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