
Monday, October 15, 2012

Seems like yesterday...

HORRIBLE picture of me
But Linc and Brian are adorable!
Today is the Hubby and my 6th wedding anniversary.  Which means we have been together for a grand total of twelve years.  There have been many changes in those twelve years, between college, apartments, a wedding, buying a house, and of course having Linc.

I have been having a lot of conversations lately about relationships and marriage.  I would like to preface this by saying Brian and I are in NO WAY perfect individuals.  We both have faults, some we embrace and some we deny, yet despite those faults (or because of them) we compliment each other perfectly - for lack of a better word.  I do not feel that my relationship/marriage is "work".  I don't get up in the morning and think "ugh I have to put some work into the marriage column".  I am sure that we both "work" at our relationship in different ways, however it is not a tedious thing.  It is not even a conscious thing.  It is just what has grown and developed in the past twelve years.

The twelve years have flown by.  It seems like yesterday we were visiting Old Stone Church, or living in the dorms playing MarioKart.  It especially does not seem like six years have gone by since our wedding.  Wow, we were in Hawaii six years ago - no wonder we are craving a return trip.  I guess all my older relatives are right, time really does fly by.

I won't get gushy here, so I will head off now.  Happy Anniversary Brian!  Here's to twelve great wonderful years so far and many many many more to come!!

From 2009, one of our many trips to Disney

Aww look at us, so little and cute!  (about 2004-2005)

Freezing on top a volcano in Hawaii, 2006

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