
Friday, October 19, 2012

60 Days....

Today is my 60th day using MFP.  I would say all in all it is going fairly well.  I wanted to wait until the "official" two month mark on Saturday to post, but I am impatient.

The numbers right now stand as follows:  60 days and 29.3 pounds lost.  I wish I could have said thirty pounds, but I guess I will take the 29.3 and just keep plugging along.  So let's do out the math - that is my favorite part - 60 days = 8.5 weeks.  So, "subtract two, carry the one", I am losing about 3.5 lbs per week.  There is NO WAY that can keep up, but I will take it while it is offering :-D

It isn't just about weight though - I have noticed a LOT more energy, I generally feel much better (even with the horrible allergy attacks), I even look forward to my workouts.  I would say all in all the past 60 days have brought me into a healthier way of living - not that I was a slob/sloth prior to the past 60 days, but you know what I mean.

I have recently added in 20 minutes of yoga/strength training (via the Wii) every night.  I am not a yoga person - am not/never have been/probably never will be a bendy flexible person - but with the Wii I am allowed to pick and choose what poses and stretches I want.  I then intersperse them with lunges, twists, and lifts and have a nice 21 minute workout that is perfect for right before bed.  I can do it within the comfy confines of my own house and can switch up the routine at any point.

All in all I would say I am happy with my journey so far.  I definitely have those days where I think it is not going well and when I question my continuance.  Then I think about about all I have accomplished in such a short period of time:  29.3 pounds down, can run 1/4 mile (seriously that is a BIG thing for me), I no longer huff and puff when running around outside with Linc, I don't get that horribly gross feeling every night when I go to bed, I feel much more rested, seriously the list goes on and on - COMPLETELY WORTH ANY EFFORT I MIGHT PUT FORTH.

As always I would like to thank you all.  It helps knowing that people not only support you, but are also paying attention.  Thanks!

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