
Monday, September 24, 2012

As you may already know, I have decided to claim my domain name in the hopes of spending more time on my blog. is now my new home - though you will notice is looks a LOT like blogger :-D  I haven't quite figured out what I want to do with the space.  Actually that is completely false, I know what I want I just don't know how to do it.  Having a husband that can (and is willing) to make whatever I want is a blessing and a curse.  I want to KNOW how to do it, not just give him a crazily drawn picture of how I want the site to look and let him work his magic.  (Cause let's face it people - we all know Brian is magic and anything he made would looks 100 time better than anything I drew on our white board!!)

The site will probably be moving in slow (I am talking turtle slow) steps towards what I see in my mind.  In the meantime I will continue to use blogger (or perhaps wordpress) for my random spewings of thought.

I leave you with a fun mushroom ring - which makes me realize I have never actually tackled the lore of "fairy rings" in my blog.  Ah, but that is for another day...

1 comment:

  1. HA I am definitely NOT knowledgeable about it. Brian is a computer genius (I am be biased though I really don't think I am) though so he set up the forwarding. I could have figured it out though, blogger will walk you through it, and so will godaddy. (right now the website is just my blogger page with the url being masked) Brian also sat down with me last night and figured out why blogger wasn't allowing me to set up pages the way it should have been - that is where having someone that knows what they are doing comes in handy, I had the pages all set for my labels and yet when I saved it would cause a javascript error. He looked at it and fixed it for me!!
    I want to be able to do it so badly, Brian built his website ( from the ground up - no jumping off point, no theme, just all Brian. I want to do that, but I just don't have the knowledge. I can spew obscure medical and chemical information, but tell me to develop a website and I immediately call the hubby (and he can do it in less than an hour - makes me feel inferior sometimes). I guess we all have our strong points, I just don't like being deficient in anything!! :-D
