
Monday, March 28, 2011

Mystic-al Fun

So as you all know, Brian and I like to take little day jaunts here and there.  One of our favorite places to go is Mystic, CT.  We have been taking day trips to Mystic and the surrounding areas even before we moved to Foster.  I would say the allure is completely due to the Aquarium, however that doesn't appear to be the case.  We recently found a very cute children's museum in Niantic that I am sure we will be visiting often in the coming years.  Of course the Olde Mystic Village shops have always been a stop on our visits -  it is funny to see them change, yet stay the same.

We visit the Aquarium so often it almost feels like a home away from home.  Between Brian's love of penguins, my love of sea lions, and Linc's new found love of beluga whales it s a good thing we have a membership!  That membership was a long time coming.  Entrance to the Aquarium is up to $26/person!!  To me that is insane - yet Brian and I would regularly pay this astronomical amount each and every time we went!  Now I am sure some people are thinking that really isn't that bad of a price for a day's entertainment - and I would have to agree.  It is when you go 10+ times in a year that you realize you just paid over $500 to visit the Aquarium.  I cannot stress enough how great it is to have a membership!  Linc will be free until he turns three, therefore Brian and I only have a "Couples" membership right now.  The price of this membership is a mere $109 (we always get a deal of $10-20 off).  Included in your membership are certain perks that, if taken advantage of, are worth the price of membership alone.  We get invited to all sorts of "Members Benefits" and black tie galas.  They have great children's days and the entire month of February members eat free at the Penguin cafe!!  The absolute BEST part of our membership is that fact that we no longer feel the need to spend hours upon hours at the Aquarium - catching every feeding hour, show, or tour in one day.  Seeing it is a quick 40 minute ride down to Mystic from our house, we can take off in the afternoon and just stop in to see the Penguins if we want.  It makes the entire experience so much more relaxed and enjoyable!

OK so a blog about the fun aspect of Mystic turned into a sales pitch about an Aquarium Membership - sorry I can continue!!
I have been a Mystic Girl my whole life.  I cannot count the number of times I have been to Mystic Pizza - though Brian has never been.  (Have any of you been?  I used to love it, yet I fear that with age my fondness is disappearing.)  The Seaport, though also extremely expensive, is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon in the late spring or early fall - summer months see WAY too many visitors for my liking!  There are a number of cute shops and restaurants that always have something new and exciting to offer you!  All in all I would say the area is a perfect place for a day trip.

If you do find yourself at the Aquarium or the Village shops might I make a few suggestions:
Grab lunch at Mangos!  It is a cute little place nestled in the shops known for it's brick oven pizza's.  They are EXCELLENT!
Stop by Franklin's and grab some fudge samples or maple candy.  They also have a great supply of wooden toys!
If you are a kitchen nut like me you will have to stop in at the Grey Goose Cookery - they are a little pricey but you can always find that one item you were looking for that no one else has.
It's Raining Cats and Dogs is the perfect place to grab all your pet related goodies.  The ladies working this store seem gruff but are actually sweethearts - get them talking about your pet and you will see what I mean!
Alrighty I have rambled on enough for one day.  I hope everyone grabs a chance to hit up Mystic and the surrounding areas sometime soon!


  1. ha ha, you should send trish cunningham a copy of this. it is a testimonial for mystic. since she works for the chamber of commerce she would probably post somewhere.

    mystic pizza. finally went there last summer when we all went camping. i believe you and brian had left a day early. we needed something to do so u.glenn, a. ann, adam & us went there for the afternoon. it was good. tried the fried pickles. now i love me some pickles but...not fried. have you tried these?

  2. I will have to send it to her!! I have tried fried pickles though not from there. I like pickles too... but I don't think I was a fan of the fried ones.
