
Monday, March 19, 2012

Popular Misconceptions of My Mothering Attitude

If you know me well then you have heard the term "Devil Incarnate" come out of my mouth.  It is my loving new nickname for Linc.  As my Aunt pointed out this weekend, with Linc being the "devil incarnate" that makes me the "devil"!
Truth be told, neither Brian nor I would know what to do with a perfectly angelic child.  Linc is just what we need/want.  He tests us, pushes us to our limit and then in the blink of an eye has us laughing to hard we need to walk away.  I might go on and on about military school and how Linc will be spending more time in the principal's office then in class, but let's be honest he is just taking after his parents.  I know that I pushed my parents to their limits at times (and probably the extended family as well).  I was (am) opinionated, inquisitive, daring, and (yes) defiant.  All of those things, with my parent's and family's  guiding hands, turned me into the person I am today.  Hopefully, with a little luck and a lot of hard work, Linc will feel the same when he is about to turn 30.

Linc is the perfect blend of Brian and myself.  He loves all things electronic, and yet can't wait to get outside and run around.  He has a thirst for knowledge that leads him to dismantle and examine everything he possibly can.  He has no problem asking for help in his endeavors, which is probably the main reason his defiance is amusing rather than troubling.  He isn't sneaky - he will look you in the eye as he scales the kitchen cabinets to get to the snack cabinet.

He is SPOILED - which is probably our biggest downfall.  As Brian said just yesterday, we would move sun and moon for him if we could - yet we would expect a "thank you" upon completion of our task (and we would get one).

So, in clarification, I do NOT feel Linc is a bad egg - I feel he is PERFECT (as any self respecting mother would feel of their child).  He may drive me crazy at times, but that craziness is good.  It means he is thinking, he is trying, and he will eventually succeed! I am thrilled, proud, and honored to be his mother! (He is only 2... I am sure there will be a LOT more things that test me in the years to come!)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Showtime, HBO, Epix - OH MY

About a year ago the Shea household took the plunge and signed up for FIOS television service.  I know that for most households this is not a big statement or even occurrence, however this had been a long drawn out and tedious decision for us.  We had been making due with Hulu and other random online video viewings.
At first, having television service was great!  Linc could watch Disney Junior On Demand and Brian and I could browse the hundreds of channels that were now available to us at the click of a button.  A year later I can honestly say that there really is NO NEED for television service in this house.  I will admit to loving the fact that I can watch the Sox games, however is it worth it to pay for the service just to watch a handful of baseball games?  Brian and I use our FIOS television service to watch Mythbusters, How It's Made, and Big Bang Theory - all of which we were watching prior to getting service.  Luckily Linc is not a TV zombie - most of the time he could care less if it is on or not.  On those few occasions he wants to watch something, it is always a movie from the vast collection (currently we are Studio Ghibli obsessed - but that is a whole other blog).

So here is the question - Do you have television service?  Is it worth it to you?  If we weren't in a package deal (you know how they suck you in - phone, internet and television all for one low low price) I firmly believe we would be ditching the service at the first available opportunity.  When will the cable companies learn - go a la carte and you might keep your customers!!

OK I know this has been a boring blog post, but it was one that I started over a year ago when the service was new and I felt the need to finish it - there is nothing worse then drafts sitting there staring you in the face!