
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This Is The Cold That Never Ends...

Yes it goes on and on my friend!

Tis the season for germs!!  Well technically I would say all seasons are germy; yet is always seems like that stretch between Thanksgiving and Christmas brings with it the stuffy heads, red noses and rattling coughs.  Since the addition of Linc I have noticed that we seem to pass that cold right around the house.  During this time we have countless boxes of tissues side by side with bottles upon bottles of Purell yet none of that does the trick.

I have noticed that no matter how diligent I am about hand washing I always seem to catch the bug - normally AFTER Brian and Linc have had their gunky days and are on the road to recovery.  Is there some magical means of keeping the sickness contained to one family member?  I can only spray so much Lysol and wash my hands so often before they become so red and chapped.  I am dreading the day when Linc discovers that he doesn't need one of us to wipe his nose for him - I will be finding used tissues EVERYWHERE!

As for now, I will start my orange juice infusion and make sure the Clorox wipes are handy.  I will also think about how thankful I am that Linc now knows how to blow his nose and those horrible aspirators can forever be out of my life!  Always look on the bright side - at least Linc sounds adorable when he screams "BLESS YOU" from the other room :-D

Monday, November 28, 2011

Only Child Syndrome

G. Stanley Hall seemed to go out of his way to give only children a bad rap, as a matter of fact he called their state a "disease of itself."

It has taken two years and a LOT of tears to come to grips with the fact that Linc will in fact be an only child.  I know that all you single children out there are reading this thinking "why is that such a big deal?"

First you have to understand that I always pictured having at least 4 children.  The more the merrier - that seems to be my family's opinion and personally I have always loved it.  With that being said, life has taken a different path and I am reshaping that picture of the future to now revolve around Linc and his EXTREMELY lucky/thankful parents.

Secondly, I am not an only child.  I am privileged enough to be the younger sister to my WONDERFUL older sister.  I can honestly say that there has been no time in my life when I could picture something being better without her.  I can't picture my LIFE without her and I am positive she enriched my life growing up.  I am not saying that all of those people without a sibling had a worse life then mine, I am just saying that my sister and I have always been and will always be there for one another - and that is not something I would ever trade away.  (Seriously, who but a big sister could you do this to day in and day out and they still want you around?)

Now maybe because I had that live in playmate/confidant/someone to always take my side against that of the parental units, I never had to find all of those things in one or many other people outside my house.  That doesn't mean that it wouldn't have happened it just means that I never had to look for it.  Does being an only child make you view your friends in a different manner?  Will Linc be angry that he doesn't have a live in playmate?  Will he understand?  Will he like the peace and quiet?  Will he view his lack of siblings as a "disease in of itself?"

I know that this is very jumbled and jumpy - as are my thoughts on the topic.  I just wanted to write something down in hopes of helping my refocusing and reshaping!  I just want to be able to provide the best possible life for Linc!